getting a trucking job after failing a drug test

what company hires after failed drug test

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Jul 17, 2013
your up the creek with a paddle NEW
by: T Gregory

well got test after a tree day weekend. sorry to say I failed. I did what your government said I had to do the sap program.. that was biggest joke iv when thouth. two hours of NA and AA. It cost me 300.00 dollars to see a counseler and the lost of a been 6 mo without a job of driving a truck..I did let the componys know I failed a UA. even gave them a copy of my SAP. no call except one that did look to closes to my app. while I was there they seen that copy and out the door I went. So 30 year of driving exp. out the door. It not how you do your job anymore. but what get me is someone with a DUI can get a job with no problem! the only thing people tell me I broke the LAW. so wheres my day in court! so much for working hard and doing your job. Thats out the window! So for you folk like to fish and do little smoke now and then good luck.

Feb 20, 2010
by: Jimmy

None that I know of. FYI, not to be rude, but drugs and trucking don't mix well. Jimmy

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