Getting back on track

by Robert Kelly
(Fort Howard md)

I don't no why I need a picture but that is me

I don't no why I need a picture but that is me

I am 24 I do not have my GED and I do not have my license. I have had a lot of problems since I was young. I grew up around drugs n other bad things. When I got older I started selling drugs then turned into me using. I have gotten clean but I am to old to be able to fix a lot of my mistakes.

I am trying now to get my ged but the school Ccbc doesn't start classes until next month. I have a seat belt ticket I have got to pay before I can get my license but that can be taken care of. I am trying to get my life together I really am. It is just taking time doing it alone and I really need help picking the leaves of my life back up.

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Jul 01, 2015
Turning Life Around
by: Hervy

Congrats Robert on picking up the leaves. Make sure you surround yourself with the right environment for strength and encouragement to help you keep moving forward.

Find groups of people in your area that have goals. Similar interests are good as well.
Start a group for people going for GED at
or for young adult recovery support. Then print flyers about your group and distribute them in your community. That will also be a nice addition on your resume to help with your overall goals of getting back on track. It shows leadership, organization skills, and most of all commitment to change and personal development.

Also, make sure you follow a narrow path of better choices. You don't want to pepper your past with issues that blight your journey no matter how small. For instance parking tickets. One by it's self doesn't say much. Get a parking ticket, seat belt ticket, running red light, not paying a bill on your credit....etc. All of that stuff ads up to paint picture for people who like employers who don't know you.

Just like the way that you dress will help people you meet judge you initially. What you choose to say will affect how they judge you. Small things to keep in mind so that you boost your chances and increase your traction as much as possible.

Also, you can likely find continuing ed classes at the local community college that will help you prepare for GED classes and also learn more about something that you are interested in. YOu would be surprised at what is offered if you haven't check it out lately.

ON relationships....personallly, when I am going after a serious goal, like you getting GED, I don't get involved with relationship. Reason, it can easily distract you and keep you from doing your best. Especially if you end up dealing with the wrong person. Just another point to consider.

Remember, it's just a temporary thing to help ensure you reach your goal as quickly as possible by enabling to be super focused.

Best of luck Robert

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