Getting old quickly!

by Rebecca

My husband when we moved found a driving job pushing 70/80 hours a week. He is only home weekends. He expects so much of me with teenagers.

I work a full time job working three different shifts, and a second with soccer, baseball, cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, shopping, etc. He does nothing all weekend long and we end up fighting the whole time. I need help maintaining this house ( without having to pay someone). Then he gets mad at me because I am not in the mood later, couldn't be because I am exhausted!

I have a different life all week and I just don't know how to be around him anymore when he is home. I just don't feel like it's working anymore. Suggestions?

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Nov 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

I love your view. I will utilize your advise. How cute.

Mar 17, 2015
its hard NEW
by: mous

I learned to do my own thing freely without any worries about what he has to say. If I am actually living a single life that's exactly how I am gonna treat it.

If he needs to run errands I learned to say okay go take care of your errands. (But I am not going to run his errands with him) They are his errands not mine.

He wants me to cook dinners for him when he is here. I love to cook. But if he wants to eat his special orders, he needs to go buy the products for the meals he picks for ME to cook. I of course am a woman so naturally I have my spices & staple foods on hand. But the main ingredients he needs to go to the store and get himself.

When he wants his clothes washed he has to supply the quarters for the machine plus all the washing supplies, and yes when he goes to the store to buy his special dinner foods I let him know what washing supplies we need. Oh by the way I love to wash clothes so it doesn't bother me to do this, plus this is my payment for doing the job, I dont pay for my laundering.

When there are repairs that need to be done and I ask him when will he be doing this, and he says he will get to it, and time goes by & its not done, well I call up a repair person, get it done, and then hand him the bill to pay. He makes plenty of money, and I am real good at haggling prices for the job that needs to get done. I also an pretty handy myself where he is not. So it works out.

When he first started asking me to do this and that all the time I learned fast & from the beginning to let him know I am not a slave to ANYONE therefore, I will not be a slave to him. He learned fast not to argue that point because either one of us could of walked out at that point and no time in the relationship really had developed at that time.

Marriage is a job, treat as such, and you will find it actually works out pretty well treating it like it is. There is much bargaining going on and this is how to maintain a communicative environment for both and all family matters.

Good Luck to you and your family. :)

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