Getting your CDL-A on your own versus going to a school?

by julio
(miami fl)

I am planning on getting my cdl class A. I have look online and went to my local dmv office and found out that I can get the cdl license on my own. they have booklet and you just have to supply your own way of doing the practical part of test. any cons to going the cheap way about it like I'm doing?

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Dec 18, 2011
Getting your CDL without going to trucking school NEW
by: hervy

Julio, good question. There are some things to consider about getting your CDL without going to a trucking school. This page is about this issue
Getting Your CDLs on the Cheap

Here are some issues that might trouble you.

  • finding a truck to take the driving test
  • finding a company that will hire without the training.

Being in a city like Miami there may be a company owner operator near that will let you use the truck for a fee to take the test. Check around and see.

You might even be able to find an owner op or trucking school to give a short driving practice course. Do some searching for that too.

Call trucking companies and ask if they will hire you without charging you to retrain if you already you have a CDL.

Good luck, let us know what the trucking companies said. And if there is someone there with a truck to rent let us know that too incase someone else wants to do it the same way you are considering.


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