getting your class a cdl

by terryl
(washington d.c.)

what is the best route to go in getting your cdl, i was told by a few people to just study the cdl booklet, but my problem is that i have never driven a tractor trailer before, my father is a retired truck driver and my uncle was a long haul truck driver and he loved it, i was thinking of going to a cdl school instead of company training is that a good move

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Jan 05, 2009
by: jimmy

yeah pardner, a third party truck driving school is the way to go. make sure they are certified, not some fly by night outfit. more than likely, you can get a grant to pay for it. you can get training (on the job) at many trucking co's but you are committed for the long run. if you quit, they hound you for the money. try not to move around co to co. it's the same job, just different names on the trailers. good luck.

Jan 02, 2009
trucking school or trained by company
by: thecrazytrucker

whats up Terryl,

First time I've seen that spelling(name), anyway,
man I always recommend getting trained at a 3rd party school if a person can afford it. Just because you have no ties after training and you go where you see the most opportunity for you.

If things are absolutely not right where you start at your first company at you can leave and there is no consequences (except your employment history).

Also, different strokes for different folks but I felt a lot more comfortable going to school and being instructed myself rather that passing the test and jumping in someone's truck to test.

Plus getting a job will be a lot easier having gone through training at a truck driving school.

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