Girlfriend of a newbie trucker

by Heather
(St. Pete, FL)

Chris & Heather downtown St. Pete Pier

Chris & Heather downtown St. Pete Pier

Hello All,

I am so glad that I found this website! After reading here for an hour or so, I am feeling much better. My boyfriend has chosen this career out of nowhere.

He used to drive buses for the county. Suddenly, he quits his "home every night job" and greyhounds it out to Texas for Truck driving school. That was August, and now it's January.

I was trying to see the benefits of this decision. To be frank, I've been struggling to pay all the bills and still be supportive.

How can a person gross a thousand dollars in a week and only have a couple hundred dollars deposited to his bank account? Between the cash advances for food, showers, laundry and tolls, the truckers life sounds like a broke and lonely way of life.

I read that it's only like this for a couple of years. I can understand now that just like anywhere, he has to start at the bottom. I just have to be there for him. Listen to the frustrations of the life he has chosen. Remind him that it will get better.

Those newbies who have chosen to be truckers, might smell and really need a shower, need a shave and haircut, and pee in bottles, but they all keep this country going.

And the tenured truckers have a heart of gold. They are supportive, patient and generous. In fact, someone randomly bought my bf a shower the other day at a truck stop.

I'm grateful that they are being safe drivers, helping those in need and making everyday sacrifices that most people "me" take for granted.

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Jan 25, 2012
showers r free NEW
by: OTR wife

Showers are free as long as they have a fuel perks card with the truck stop after 50gallons of desiel for most places you get a free shower. My husband eats well on only $100 a week and he gets that put on his fueling card with the company (its taken out of his checks.) he is the only one working and we dont struggle to pay the bills and we have a baby. Maybe you should be asking questions because that doesnt sound good.

Jan 23, 2012
call him up NEW
by: Heather

I wouldn't really know. I think you should call him up. See when he will be back. And keep in mind that it could be awhile. My bf gets home once every 3-4 weeks. I find it difficult to go on about my life as usual for about one week after he leaves. Then Im okay for the next two weeks. By the 4th week, I'm all excited like a kid at Disney because I know he's on his way home. Its not the lifestyle that I imagined but I make the most of it by talking with him on the phone and spending quality time together on his home time. I think most couples take their time together for granted, like sitting in different rooms. One watching tv, the others on facebook. They are able to do that because they have their bf home every night. We get 3 days a month to hold hands, kiss and talk sweetly to each other. Its hard to be in a long distance relationship but the benefits are worth it. Definitely give him a call.

Jan 20, 2012
Trucker Vanished NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello: I met a trucker for the first time in my life about 4 weeks ago. We had a short conversation but during the conversation he stated he was definitely interested in dating me.
However, the first visit with him I wanted to take it a little slow. The second visit It was that time of the month and could not do anything.
However, after that he vanished. I am a working woman, and have class about myself, and I look O.K. for my age. He is 56 and I am 54. I have not dated in about a year which he said that frightened him. Anyway this guy seem to be my type of guy. It is painful that he could not tell me verbably why he left. I'm neet, responsible, and love to have fun. I like to dance, go out every now and then. What do you think happen.

Jan 06, 2012
great advice NEW
by: Heather

I will ask for receipts. He has only been home twice in six months. He just got his own truck but he is a company driver. And we just got him a Coleman fridge and a small microwave. Now he can cut down on eating out at every meal. He's finally able to swipe his reward cards after fueling up. So he can finally earn some free showers, thank goodness. Lol, its not something either of us expected..expenses just starting out in the business. It's going to get better maybe if I just keep saying that..

Jan 06, 2012
not good. NEW
by: Anonymous

Showers are free if they use a convienence card at most truck stops. And unless he's a owner operator the tolls he is paying are be paid by his company. He really needs to switch companies if he is paying out of pocket that much. My husband grossed 1200 last week and netted 900 after taxes, ins and his 401k. He is home 3 times a week. You might ask for paycheck stubs and an accounting of money. My husband has only been driving 9 months as a solo driver. I believe you have a serial truck stop spender. WiFi, games, tech, souvenirs, toiletries all add up. He needs to do a Walmart run once a week. It's ok to be supportive but not ok for you to financially support someone who has a good paying job.

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