Girlfriend of a Trucker

It is the hardest relationship I have ever been in , He is a great man and I love heim so much . It is so hard to spend your night, your weekend and your hoildays alone it is like you are single .. I am completly faithful to my trucker and I will wait for him yo come home long as he loves me.

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Apr 15, 2011
Hang in there.
by: Anonymous

I have now been in a relationship with a trucker for a year and a half now. The phone is my best friend!!!! We also do facetime which is nice as long as he is not driving. People have told me to get my CDL also but again I have things here for me that I can't leave such as trying to finish up the last few semesters of school.

As we all know its not the easiest but its so worth it when I get to see him! It makes me feel better to know I can talk to others who are going through the same thing. Hang in there.

Apr 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

Well I would get my licence but I have a 17 month old daughter and a career here

Apr 06, 2010
It is hard
by: Brenda

Im a fiance of a trucker. I know that it is hard to be alone but it is something that comes with the job. You have to be very understanding and supportive. Being a trucker wife, fiance, or girlfriend takes alot of patience.

The relationship has to be strong and you both have to put forth the effort to make it work. You can do just going to have to come up with a routine so when he is gone your busy and days go by faster and when he is home you can spend that time together.

Hang in there and before you know it he will be home.

Apr 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

get your cdl and team up

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