girlfriend of an truck driver who has no compassion

by stephanie
(norfolk )

I've been dating my boyfriend for about a year now and I had a job not the best job but it paid my bills took care of myself and my son's my boyfriend asked me to quit my job come on the road with him.

I did and it's been a living hell. It's boring he argues about everything I do. Told me he'd pay me more than what I was making at my job but he barely gives me anything. I'm always without money.

He's abusive mentally and physically wants me to make a budget. Why not pay me and I can budget the money you pay me with.

I'm depressed and want out of this life asap. I'm starting to hate him. How would you treat your lady who came out on the road with you keeps you company takes care of the domestic responsiblities

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Jun 15, 2015
Advice from a Dispatcher NEW
by: Anonymous

For some people to much together time is too much. When driving a truck you have nothing to do all day but sit and think. You worry, you stew over things others have said, you imagine what is going on at home without you. It sounds like you might want to get a home and settle down for your son. Maybe take fun trips in the truck when he is going to places that sound cool or somewhere you have never been but would like to see. Then it can be fun for both of you and temporary for Both of you. When you can see and end in sight it makes the time together more enjoyable.

May 26, 2015
Think of you 1st !!! NEW
by: Ms.78***

Leave him alone and get your self straight.If you cant tell him what he is doing,to you is wrong , then leave. He has been ruined....So people dont deserve kindness.

Mar 17, 2015
re: he sounds like a winner NEW
by: Anonymous

Please, sir, pick up your phone now and dial 211 for mental health services. Pretty obvious that you are not a healthy person....

Mar 17, 2015
sorry your sad NEW
by: Anonymous

Please think of your child and yourself before anything else. Because without you your child will be without a Mom. Get away from knuckleheads they never change and they are always on the prowl for their next victim. They think they are sly when they are sweet in the beginning wearing a different face. Once they trap their victim the abuse begins. Believe me once the victim is out of the picture they will find someone else to victimize and you will long be forgotten, which is a good thing!

Notice I didn't label this as a Man thing? Well, because Women do this too...

coming from a domestic violence counselor...

Mar 16, 2015
he sounds like a winner NEW
by: Anonymous

MyGirl LOves BeingOnTheRoadWithMe. We Laugh About All Day. Maybe Your Boyfriend Picker Is Broken.

Mar 16, 2015
I thought bout what your doing now... NEW
by: Anonymous

I thought bout it you know quitting my job n going on the road but after talking to quite of few wives of truckers I'll pass and continue working my petty job. I am lost on where your kid is in all this your going through? My best advice get out if he's being abusive leave. It's tough being a driver and dating one on top of that but abuse is not right or excuse.

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