Going on the road with boyfriend. What should I take?

by Aerial Marie
(South Carolina)

I am 21 years old and my boyfriend (high school sweetheart) is now a truck driver. I have recently been diagnosed Bi polar and sensory processing disorder.

We have decided that i should come out on the road with him. I am so nervous as i am extremely afraid of car wrecks but he has been trained by my father to drive. (he is a truck driver as well) and i went on the road with my father before.

Is there anyone that has any advice for going out on the road??? anything i should take that is absolutely needed? i mean i have a list, but i want to be fully prepared.

Signed, New trucker girlfriend

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Dec 25, 2017
The essentials
by: Lizzy

So this is gonna sound a little weird. But bring a lot of panties and women’s wipes. Like summers eve and stuff like that. Because you aren’t always going to get to shower, but those wipes keep you feeling fresh enough.

Not like a shower but pretty damn close. And idk about every one else, but after sitting for so long, sometimes i want to freshen up in the middle of the day.

Try out snacks before you go on the road. I had to figure out what didn’t give me the runs or make me poop a lot. Lol!

Silly, but you don’t want to be the reason he has to make an extra stop, just so you can take a dump because of something you ate.

Dec 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have bought a camera and i am getting a kindle to read books on! Thank you and i will!

Dec 21, 2017
things to take.
by: Jimmy

There's things to take like clothing obviously, but also snacks and anything to occupy your time if you get bored. You know what that is.

But be prepared for long days every day of the week. Sometimes no chance for a shower or decent sleep either or a decent meal.

Let us know how it's going. Jimmy

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