going to turn 21 soon

by joe

i am about to turn 21 in april and have been interested in driving trucks since i was real young...i enjoy driving and find it to be fun and relaxing...plus i haven't really got a chance to go anywhere/see anything outside of arizona in a long time. i know that there are some companies that hire entry level and train you...that thought has crossed my mind. i worked lots of dead end jobs out of high school and im just looking for stability...will this be a problem trying to get into the industry?

thank you

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Jan 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

hey thanks alot for the advice jimmy


Jan 20, 2009
Getting a trucking job in today's economy
by: Anonymous

You will have to make phone calls to see who is still hiring into today's economy. Many companies have a freeze right now, but not all of them. Some of the names that we are all used to seeing

Schneider, no new drivers only experienced. (Talked to recruiter, plus there is a link to news article in the truckers-forums

Swift is said to be laying off 3,000 (per swift driver, didn't talk to company)don't know if they are hiring new drivers or not. As a matter of fact Andy was saying he is to start at Swift this month.

Just talked to US Express recruiter, they are not hiring period right now.

Hadn't talked to anyone else this week.

You will just have to call to around. In a normal climate it isn't a problem at all. Someone in another post on this page said they were in trucking school set up to go with a company upon completion so there is still hiring going on. Ask companies what mileage their drivers are averaging so you know what to expect and can estimate your pay.

Jan 17, 2009
Joe wants answers
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe this is Jimmy. As a new entrant into trucking, don't worry much about your previous jobs. Most companies understand when you get out of high school, you're in la/la land for awhile until you figure out what direction you want to go in.

I'll give you some company names to call/e-mail etc. I'm not sure what companies do training. They do change their agenda sometimes and may or may not be currently training. Some companies train only at their main terminal even though they have smaller terminals spread around the country. ( many small terminals are just drop lots )

Call Schneider out of Green Bay, Wi, CRST, out of Cedar Rapids, Ia, U.S. Xpress, out of Chattanooga, Tn, Covenant Transport out of Chattanooga, Tn, C.R. England out of Salt Lake City, Ut, Swift, Out of Phoenix, Az. Mind you, I am not recommending these companies, just informing you. It's a place to start.

You can either pay for school and get reimbursed with a commitment to the company, or possibly train with the company directly. You'll have to call around. Sounds like you're a good candidate for this biz. Jimmy

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