Good excuse for not going on the road

by Kelly

Hi, I am a soon to be newly wed to a truck driving man who is 35 years my senior. My question to you is that my man has been on break for about a week and until he gets another driver onto the road he has to go back into work for about a week.

He wasn't going to go back on the road but I encouraged him to, and offered to go with him. I am feeling like I don't want to go on the road for him so I need a justified excuse for not wanting to with him. Without hurting his feelings.

Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks so much!


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Aug 02, 2018
married 33 years to trucker
by: Spitfire

I decided once I married that being apart was no kind of marriage that I wanted . When I ask him he said the road wasn't a good place for a woman and I would hate it.

I got on the truck anyway and for the next 26 years was a "Professional Seat Cover" . One trip was all it took & I loved it. One piece of advice I will share , if you have a disagreement and before it gets out of control, we would pull into a rest area. We both got out and he went one way around the truck & trailer while I went the other way.

We would go round and round until we cooled off (no easy feat in 100 degrees or 10 degrees). I got over things quickly where it took him a few more rounds, but once back in the truck we made up and then got back on the road things all back to normal.

It isn't easy living in an 8X8 home but you soon learn and having your husband next to you sharing things with each other going down the road is the BEST.

I hope you make the decision to go with him , but be honest with him up front about your fears .

Dec 16, 2017
Go On The Road With Him
by: Hervy

My advice is to go on the road with him. Not find an excuse for not going. If you care about the relationship, this could be very important.

If you care about the relationship go at least once. I think you might want to think about how you really feel about him and if you need to go forward with marriage.

Are you compatible and are you in love with him?
Are you satisfied or disappointed with how he treats you? Is he turning out to be different than what you thought?

If these or others things are causing you to have doubt about moving forward with him, maybe you two should talk about the future with each other.

What are the plans?

If he is 35 year older and you want him to leave. Is this based on love or are you together for other reasons? If you are together for other reasons, like an arrangement of some sort, then you should just be able to tell him, you don't want to go. It shouldn't hurt his feelings.

If you love him, I say don't make an excuse, ride with him.

Aug 11, 2017
On the road.
by: Anonymous

Go with him on the road; you may enjoy it.
I married a woman 30 yrs. younger than me and she was skeptical about going with me. After the first trip, she loved the travel.

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