Good money long wait

My story is probably the most different of all.
Our three yr old daughter has leukemia. He is out 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Not only and I left to do everything for the house myself.

I work myself, taking care of a 3yr old is challenging as it is she has cancer on top of that. So we go to every appointment, making sure chemo at home meds are always on time, all while trying to maintain a happy home for when he arrives.

I am beyond tired, exhausted, and in a constant state of worry. I hate to bother him because I know he's dealing with the same if not more stress out otr. It's not a life for the weak hearted. You are the captain of the ship. No matter if he is steering the boat financially, it is you whom is calling the details, making it out to make sure you are sailing accordingly.

There are days I hate the lifestyle we live. But the money is wonderful, I would give anything for the time and for him to understand how much I truly have on my shoulders here at home with him being gone, and what a relief it is him being home when he is.

Yes we FaceTime all the time, it's just not the same.

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Dec 11, 2016
Is there a plan?
by: Hervy

Is there a plan for a transition to a more enjoyable situation. If you both did that, I am sure you would feel better knowing that the current situation is not forever.

He doesn't have to do this forever. But if you don't plan for how it will end, it will likely never end.

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