Good to talk to other drivers out there.

by Kathy Schaefer
(Biscoe AR.)

It would be very good to talk to other drivers out here, I have put my opinion in on a few sites. We do need to keep in touch and this may be a good way to talk to each other.

I, as a female drive do not have many friends, it is hard to have friends when your never home and end up in so many different locations, like guys on CB's, we could talk.

Right now I've been home for 5 days, not seen a sole. sure lots of drivers have been by my house but know none of them, friendship would be nice, horse shoes, cook outs or just get together would be nice.

We live a different life, strangers are welcome, ya know? Every one in our little town knows us but not a one comes to say hi, we are so different then most people feeling left out

There is a life out there for us drivers, just wanta know where?

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Jul 20, 2015
No Communication NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, I only want to say this would be a great site but nobody comments or just don't get on here anymore because I look at the last date of their post and it is from months ago. Can't get any response.

Mar 13, 2015
Making friends
by: Hervy

To make friends on the road, just be social. You have to be careful of being too friendly as a women though. It could be taken wrongly by some drivers.

However, it could be easier to bond with other women on the road because you already have more in common.

As far as not seeing someone when you get home, you have to leave the house and make friends there too. Grocery stores, the gym or anywhere else that you go to and spend time at, you can identify things in common between you and other people. Start conversation related to those things in common.

A key tip is to not wait for someone else to be inviting and chatty with you. They are likely doing the same thing. Waiting.

Say hello, smile (slightly to let people know you are approachable) and be social. You can make friends with a little more effort on your part.

Others will respond favorably to the opportunity to get to know a good person who is happy and fun to be around. If that is not you, work on becoming that person first, then the friends will come automatically.

However, if you are not a happy person who is good to know (would make a good friend to others)spend time making yourself into that type of person.

Most of us are not taught to look at these types of things about ourselves but it should be taught to us at home at school. Be the type of person that you would like to be friends with.

Then don't wait for others to say hello, or how is your day or other conversation starters, you take the lead.

Everything else will fall into place. However, by being a woman and just having a positive attitude around decent people, there should be much leading that you have to do.

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