Got DOT inspection on new truck in Va.

by Pat Seay
(Dalton GA)

My husband was in Virginia and got a dot inspection on new truck. Brakes on the back of truck was not hooked up by shop. My husband said officer was nice. Told him to get someone to fix it and wrote him a ticket. The way my husband understood it was not his fault the office said he could not have found it on a pre or post trip.

Long story short showed up on MVR WITH no points.The company paid the ticket. It was around 65 bucks officer said once paid nothing would occur well we are confused.So now wondering how long it will be there and don't even know what about how it affects CSA scores.

MVR states operating without brakes a req by law. Disposition convicted points 0 no accident.So we just found out it's on there and it's been 7 months spook confused

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