Got Stuck in the Mud and Fired!

by Anonymous
(Virginia (VA))

So I got my front end of the company truck stuck in some mud at one of my stops i had already reported as a difficult one to the company.

Well they fired me after the tow truck got me out and I finished the rest of my stops for the day.

Now trying to get a new job as a Class A CDL driver they are telling people i got a DOT preventable accident so no one wants to give me a chance but of course they didn't tell me that when they fired me.

No police call no damage just stuck in the mud!

Now how do i get back on my feet I am out of work and really want to get back to driving and taking care of my family?

What can I do to get that off my record or how do i even find out if it's on my record? Haven't seen it on my driving record form DMV

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Jan 10, 2018
Abilene Motor Express
by: Anonymous

Try Abilene Motor Express in Richmond,VA

Jan 10, 2018
Stuck in the mud!
by: Anonymous

First of all, submit online applications before any phone calls. It's much easier to be hired if can call a company and say, "I'm checking on my job application."

This way they can pull up you job application on their computer and get right down to business.

Try these:
USA Truck
Navajo Express
Magnum Ltd.
TransAm - use as last resort.

Remember, submit the online applications before calling.

Jan 09, 2018
Dispute the DAC Report
by: Hervy

Order a copy of your DAC Report and see what is there. If it has inaccurate information dispute it.

You can also provide details of your account.
How to get a copy of your DAC report and dispute it.

Getting stuck in the mud does sound preventable but there was no damage and there is no telling how it is worded. Mean time, keep filling out applications especially at the smaller companies. Let them know in advance about that situation.

I think you will get hired eventually, before you even get that DAC Report challenged.

California has me getting a fix it ticket written like as unsafe operation. That is for a plug of rubber out of the bottom of the tire from running over something in the road.

All they have in the system is 'unsafe operation.' Insurance company raised my premiums until I provided all the documentation that proved what the charge actually was for and that I bought a new tire.

That should be criminal act on their part because it is unnecessary negative affects due to their actions. Even though I obviously did drive with that tire. It's not like it was a planned event or something.

So I understand how frustrating it could be for you.

Good luck and let us know how you fared.

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