Gotta know what type of person you are involved with

My man is OTR, I know that many men are not faithful. It's a lonely life on both sides. I don't know many truckers wives who are faithful. Y'all deserve each other.

To have a successful relationship there has to be trust, understanding, and respect. Not just one way. You have to know what to share and what to keep to yourself.

You have to know that if there is something unsaid there is a good reason. And if u believe u r not the only woman in his life/bunk then you will find out. And it works the other way.

A buddy of my man asked on day "would you ever hook up with someone while you are on the road?" Response "not without permission, she would find out and kill me."

This is the only man who I have trusted wholeheartedly. He is my best friend and my rock. I know not everyone is as blessed as we are, so good luck.

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Nov 10, 2013
only you NEW
by: Anonymous

yes you have proven yourself thus far. where this started as a positive feedback area you totally turned it around to something bad...yes you show your colors and others will see you are only pointing a finger at yourself....sad life you have to live in when you try and turn happiness into nastiness and fearful you are losing grip with reality really shows in your words and heart...we can only tell who is in need of a happy life..YOU!! get counseling so you can move forward and get a new man who wants to call and talk with you I can see why he lets his phone shut off and tells you he is outta range!! LOL...

Nov 10, 2013
Nastiness & lack of self-esteem NEW
by: Anonymous

You sound as though you have no happiness in your life & you have to prove yourself to everyone. If anyone is a nimwit is you to say you will send out & post your phone bill. Get a life!

Nov 10, 2013
sorry about your carrier NEW
by: Anonymous

but not every truck driver goes through mountains and high places try not to make a good thing into a drama by accussing others of lieing!! I DO TALK for hours on the phone with my husband and his drives are coast to coast and usually on highways that are a straight shot so it can happen. I am sorry your phones dont work but OURS do so I am not lieing to anyone...

you are just a big drama queen who cant stand for some else to be happy unlike you...get better service!! I will send a copy of my phone bill if you realy need proof....nimwit

Nov 09, 2013
Strong Relationships NEW
by: Hervy

Hey ladies, thanks for posting those wonderful testimonies of harmonious relationships!

I hope that any driver or trucker wife who is not experiencing the same will seek information about how to transform their relationship.

Dating and Relationships Advice

Nov 09, 2013
Phones NEW
by: Anonymous

Bluetooth & iPhones only work well provided they don't go thru mountain passes or deserts. If there is no strong signal, there is no way you can talk for hours! My husband has a blue tooth & I have an iPhone & we are forever getting cut off or disconnected when he goes thru areas that have no strong signal!

Nov 08, 2013
by: Anonymous

I'm lucky too!!! I have been married for 13 yrs and my husband has just starting doing OTR and we are ALWAYS on the phone while he is driving or on FACETIME while he is resting!!!! He is a WONDERFUL husband and Dad.... Thank god for his BLUETOOTH and our IPHONES!!!

Nov 08, 2013
.... NEW
by: Anonymous

i am with you on this one!! i am lucky too!! i have been married to my trucker for 25 years and still going strong...he is not lonely on the road because we hang out on the phone sometimes for hours!! lol...i could be just cooking and him listening to the sizzle of the pan...i could be just cleaning the house while he just hears the humming of the vacuum...he just hangs out with me.

thank god for bluetooth!! he is long haul he can hang out on the phone during his daily activities or mine! hehehehe...i think its funny, cute, and keeps us close!! :)

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