Great info about trucking jobs and the lifestyle

by Sean
(Norman, ok)

Trying to make a positive change for me and my family ( if they are willing. The major think is I have to make more money and get out of this house some.

I need to visit family more often back east, and make a positive change for myself. My wife is wrapped up in her adult son.

He is making poor life choices and she feeds into it, allowing an 18 yr old to basically bankrupt us, so it is time for a change.

Loving to drive and being a solitary person I decided on truck driving as a future. Now i am looking at it deeper making an informed choice as to what i am getting myself into.

Thanks for the web page and keep the great work up.

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Dec 16, 2015
very great NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jul 07, 2013
Thinking about trucking NEW
by: Chris

I am a married man of 28 yrs. I have a good marriage, sometimes boring as we sit in front of the tv. My current job as hvac tech is being threatened next spring. Wife seems unsure about this new career and says I will be miserable. I am 53 and love driving and feel ready for a new step into a job for 10 yrs to help us financially. We have four kids, 3 at home. My eldest is 27 the three at home are 24, 23 and 20, any advise would be helpful. I live in Niagara Falls Canada and have spent two weeks combing thru websites etc to get a feel for this kind of life... Pls help. Worried and wanting a new work life. Thanks

Sep 07, 2011
Getting it right
by: Hervy

Sean congrats on getting on that path to a great future.

Like NickV said though man....

If you spoke as if your escaping the foolishness, assuming your not divorcing and trucking is your way to leave it behind....reaching your destination of a peaceful and prosperous future will probably not happen.

Your wife is basically enabling her son to continue with his irresponsible and possibly thoughtless behavior.

She may not even realize that she is helping him to continue to foolishness. Therefor she is harming him and your relationship. However depending on her personality and your relationship mentioning the relationship may not give leverage to help her come around.

Assuming she is doing what she is doing out of misguided love for her son, she shouldn't want to hurt her son and if you point out that by not making him act more responsibly IS hurting him many she will try and do things differently.

If you talking to her won't work, you may want to come at the situation sideways.

Tell her you are about to start this trucking career and the objective is to get out of debt and build a nest egg for retirement.

You have to assess how your doing things and you want to enlist the services/training of an outside source. Or at least his materials.

I know from listening to Dave Ramsey that he will definitely set the tone straight with regard to allowing the child to use the parents. Or the other angle, he will rail against the parent enabling the child by over giving.

If you can't get her to attend one of his seminars, Financial Peace University

get the book and read it together.

Also get her to listen to the program on the radio with you.
available online whenever, where ever by podcast download.
Ohhhh, look what I just found it's an article about giving to your children!
article about how much is too much help to adult children

Sep 05, 2011
by: NickV

Hey Sean I don't mean to get in a mans business but you need to figure out whats goin on at home before you make such a drastic career change. You gotta think about it, if this is something that's bothering you when your sitting right there at home imagine how your stress level is going to be with your wife calling you telling you her son did it again and you are a thousand miles away and helpless.

Its gonna make things worse and the first thing you need as a truck driver is a good family structure cause they are your life blood on the road that keep you going that extra mile. Take it or leave it, but good luck

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