Had to pay a deposit to take Service Dog on the truck

by Anna

my friend is a driver for TransAm (please dont think less of him lol) hes basically using it as a stepping stone to a better company. He has a Service Dog, yes it is a real Service Dog not a ESA, or TD.

She is trained to do her task for the disability. TransAm charged a $2500 charge for the Service Dog!!!!! A $1150 deposit was required then $100 dollars will be taken from pay until balance is made.

My friend said that Service Dogs are exempt from any type of deposit. They were shown the letter from his Doctor stating the need for a SD. The guy said "I don't need to see that, I don't care you have to pay, I dont care what the doctor said, you have to pay.

The company knew he has a service dog with him, it was not a hidden fact.

just rather frustrated and will be talking with the ADA.

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