hair folicle test or urine sample at Falcon Transport

I am considering a job at Falcon Transport. Do they do urine screens or hair folicle tests?

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Nov 26, 2014
falcon transport NEW
by: Anonymous

Does any one know what kind of drug test does falcon transport do ?

Mar 19, 2014
drug test NEW
by: Anonymous

just answer the question. Maybe the dude stopped doing drugs and wants to get a good job. Maybe he's worrier that he hasn't given himself enough time to pass. Just because you used to do some type of drug doesn't mean you still are doing drugs.

Mar 02, 2014
Shut Up NEW
by: Anonymous

If you don't have any thing useful to contribute then just shut up. Either answer the mans question or keep your big mouth shut.

Nov 23, 2013
testing NEW
by: Anonymous

what does it matter?if you are not a drug user you have nothing to worry about either way. if you are a user look for other work as you have no place in a truck

Nov 23, 2013
testing NEW
by: Anonymous

what does it matter?if you are not a drug user you have nothing to worry about either way. if you are a user look for other work as you have no place in a truck

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