Hand an accident

by movers
(log vas)

i have drive a car and suddenly a baby come out of his house and i immediately stop my car and a motorbike from a head can me and broken my mirror and the child was save

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Aug 30, 2012
my my what a mess....... NEW
by: Helonwheels

So a baby was trying to come out of a woman's womb in the back seat of your car while you were driving her to the hospital... and you stopped to help... then a motorcycle came by and broke your mirror because your door was wide open so you could help deliver the baby and you are glad at least the baby was safe.....

So your problem must be that now you are being blamed for the accident because the motorcycle driver claims that your door should have been shut while you are on the highway.

This one is easy.. it is not your fault the motorcycle guy came from behind you and he should be looking out for what is in front of him....so I suggest to get a lawyer and he can help you fight this and the you will win.

Wow how brave of you to deliver a baby!!! :0

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