Happy truckers wife - We make up all the lost time when he is home
by Kristie Musselman
(East Freedom, Pa.)
We make up for time away when he is home
I don't know what you ladies complain about. I am so in love with my husband but when he is gone I am just has happy. My house is always clean and not a single dirty dish which he can dirty all in one day.
He leaves his dirty cloths on the floor and spends all his time sleeping when he isn't eating everything that isn't nailed down. He bitches too much being home.
When he is gone it's a breath of fresh air and a clean house. I have total trust on him that he isn't cheating...he knows better. We know how to make each other happy and satisfied.
We make up for all lost time when he is home. I appreciate everything he sacrifices for me when he is out there and making very good money. So I am a very happy truckers wife.