Happy truckers wife - We make up all the lost time when he is home

by Kristie Musselman
(East Freedom, Pa.)

We make up for time away when he is home

We make up for time away when he is home

I don't know what you ladies complain about. I am so in love with my husband but when he is gone I am just has happy. My house is always clean and not a single dirty dish which he can dirty all in one day.

He leaves his dirty cloths on the floor and spends all his time sleeping when he isn't eating everything that isn't nailed down. He bitches too much being home.

When he is gone it's a breath of fresh air and a clean house. I have total trust on him that he isn't cheating...he knows better. We know how to make each other happy and satisfied.

We make up for all lost time when he is home. I appreciate everything he sacrifices for me when he is out there and making very good money. So I am a very happy truckers wife.

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Dec 13, 2019
by: Anonymous

I think it's awesome that you're happy. I love mine being home. The first 5 days of him being gone is cool but after that I start to miss him. Then the paranoia gets the best of me. If hes cheating he must be trading ham sandwiches lmfao. Cause he dont have much money on him. I have access to all phone calls and texts and internet sites. U name it. I know who all the numbers are such and such so on.
Girl with the angry husband. I am so sorry you have to go through that. I think I'd be planning on leaving and getting on with my life. Why is he not making much money? Is he taking a lot of draws out on his check? Is he just not getting any loads? I'm new to this truck driving. As far as for the husband. He was an oilfield supervisor and talk about a MAJOR pay cut last summer he made $7900 every two weeks SITTING at HOME(standby)

Jun 15, 2016
I am going to barf! NEW
by: Anonymous

Well maybe your husband is making very good money but when you are married to one not making decent money and screams and rants at you and blames you for things out of your control and it is all his fault, it makes you fall out of love and putting his needs on the back burner. My children come first! When you got an angry guy on your hands and ranting on the phone, well that is not a good recipe for a great intimate moment when he is home, so it is his loss and if mine gets his needs met while out there, so what, if a man has any common sense, he will know if he wants his wife to respect him and wants intimate time, he will respect his wife and not take things out on her, but if a husband rants and screams, the wife will distance herself from him! But a friend of mine did say that ALL truckers cheat because they can get away with it and she told me that is ALWAYS the case when a man is cheating, he will fight and argue with his wife or girlfriend. See now every time mine says he is coming home for hometime, me & the kids stay at my Mom and Dad's place, I told mine when he learns to respect me, me & the kids will stay home for him! And when he leaves to go back on the road and he is not home, then me and the kids move back to our house. So goody goody whoopi doo on your perfect marriage and lifestyle!! As my parents and friends have said trucking is the worst job out there and the majority of people don't like truckers because of their bad reputation!

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