Hard but necessary

by Tara

I always knew I'd be a trucker's wife, which I am content with for now. Although I'm thrilled my husband has a job he loves, I want that job to be local soon.

I will never say a trucker's life is easy, but some think a trucker's wife has nothing better to do than sleep around.

My life consists of holding two PT jobs, studying to be an accountant, and taking care of our beautiful three year old daughter while we live in my parent's home to save for our own house.

My husband works for PRIME and is considering leasing (which is nerve wracking to me so if you have experience please let me know :) ).

My life is not terrible, but it is hard to be a mother and a father to our girl. I can't really complain though. I'm always busy, but I have a wonderful husband who supports me and encourages me.

It takes a lot of effort to make our marriage work, but we do NOT compete with each other on whose life is more difficult, but rather encourage.

You must give each other respect and be honest with each other. The hardest time is the end of a four day home time. The tears on my daughter's face is what makes it the hardest.

As long as you are respectful and understanding to each other, a GOOD marriage can survive this. Just never underestimate what the other has to go through and do not compete for pity from your spouse.

Love you honey!!!

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Jul 14, 2012
You have the right idea NEW
by: Anonymous

Now that you will be an accountant this is perfect for your husband and his new chance at being either owner operator or independent. It will be a must that someone keeps strict records for tax time. Which makes you the best candidate for the record keeping! While you are at it see if you can get some training in preparing taxes because you need a business sense in dealing with the I.R.S. If you have these both down pat it will be much easier for him and much, much cheaper than a tax attorney. You can charge him for your services or you can be partners in this business. It takes a lot of patience and know how to get the job done on both ends his and yours. Looks like a great opportunity for both of you!

People here at this site will discourage you from taking on this type of position in truck driving, and it is usually because they screwed off their chance at running the business by not keeping up on the records and spending the money like they never had it before. (or water)

So coming from an expert on this type of business
venture, there is good money involved if you have good business sense. Your husband needs to know how to contract also, it's really not all that hard.

My husband and I have done this type of work for years and the only problem we have had "IS" that there is hard work involved, if you are not ready for it then don't start out just yet! Gather all the info you will need and use a blackboard to look at it so you can see the "BIG" picture! :)

Good Luck and Keep Strong! :)

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