hard working and very focus! i need a career so i can take care of my family.

by wilbur brooks
(madison wi usa)

its been 8 years since i got my first and last felony. it had made my life very hard to help support my family.

bad thing about my felony is, i was told by my manager at the time had ask me to take some papers and fill them out for work reasons.

but the whole time she was hustling me.
when i thought she was there to help me and i was just doing what i was told to do.

the next day after i had filled out the papers i came into work and three hours into the day the police came and asked me questions about it and i told them the same and they took me to jail.

two years later she got busted and came to find out i wasn't the only one she had did this too and she had been doing this for years.

point is the devil has found away to hold me down and away from my true blessing in life.
all im asking for is a chance to show and prove that i have what it takes to be a great driver for a great company.

i have a class A cdl clean driver rec and everything else its just the felony that is keeping me from supporting my family like i want too.

im 31 years old in school second year and i work at the Marriott in Madison Wisconsin for six years and still there.

i need a career very bad please help somebody please i just had my first child and about to give up on life because ive been trying super hard to get in my field and make the type of money i should make to be there for my family.

so please i really need a job asap and i will not let you down.
if any companies read this first i would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this.

i just need a chance!
god bless and have a nice day!

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Mar 21, 2012
you rite but! NEW
by: will brooks

thank you its just I been working so hard and the Marriott is starting to look like a dead end to me.
I just need more the bills are stacking up and my income is not enuff.
Its like I'm fighting to lose anyway.
But I guess u rite just need not to lose the focus I have and my wife and son to live for they are my reason for everything.

Mar 20, 2012
Came too far to give up now NEW
by: Hervy

Hello Wilbur,

Congrats on staying in the game man. You been climbing the mountain for a long time man. No need of throwing in the towel now.

Do you know how few a people have worked at the same job for 6 years man? Especially in your age group. Not many. And you are in school 2nd year...

man please.

You said the devil has found a way to hold you back. I say he might be trying but he not doing that well, if you throw in the towel though he will obviously win.

You say keeping you from blessings....not so quick Wilbur.

Lets see, you are still young 31. You have extended your family tree. Although a burden as far as additional expense, it is also a reason to keep pushing like you are doing.

You have that Class A, Clean driving record, 1 felony, as far as I know decent health, currently employed. I can find 20 people on this site alone in 10 minutes who are worse off than you just within those categories!

The best part.... Every mountain has a top.

If you keep pushing you will run into someone who realizes that since your felony you have displayed some undeniable qualities. I am sure that the Marriott has let go of some workers since the recession.

I wonder why it is that YOU are still there. umhh must have something to do with your work ethic. You must also be trustworthy and a desirable person to have around otherwise you would have been one of the people who were let go.

Yes, all it takes is a person who recognizes quality and has a need for your skills and you will be hired.

I don't know if I would even tell you to leave Marriott for another job related to driving unless it is the job that you really want.

I would talk to the people at Marriott and see if you qualify for a position with them that pays more. See if they have something that you will like man.

Or, talk to the truckers that deliver there and see if their company is hiring. Especially if you are on super terms with the general manager at your hotel. That is a good reference to a company that he is likely to also have a relationship with.

Maybe when you tell him that you need more money and trucking was on your mind. He will either find a higher paying job for you or help you get on with the delivery company who serves the hotel chain.

Best of luck.

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