Harrisburg Pa area - driver with 20 yrs experience seeking a trucking job

I live in Harrisburg, Pa and Carlisle, Pa area and I have over 20 years experience but, haven't driven for a few years and would like the opportunity to get back to driving.

I would like it to be drop and hook, no touch freight, 5 or 6 days a week. I have doubles and triples, class A license.

I worked for Consolidated Freightways until they were history. Please contact me if you can help me. 717-903-9855 or email me at Tlhrlh88@aol.com.

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Jan 07, 2012
by: babydoll

I'm sure you'll get an opportunity ! Hang in there. I was reading what you wrote, and surprised to read that you were a CF driver, my dad, who has recently passed, retired the year the went under! He was 2nd on the board in the tonawanda, NY terminal. Was there along time, retired with 50 yrs of total driving, ashamed what happened to that company, hell I remember going with him when I was young to get his check when he came in before payday to get it on his was home! Well hang in there like I said, just keep dropping apps to different companies. My hubby works for a company named FLORILLI out of iowa they always hire! You always hear crap about companies, no ones ever happy and can't satisfy everyone! In fact hubby just came from towards Harrisburg heading to nebraska, what the hell give them a shot!

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