Has anyone ever gotten a traffic camera ticket on US 78 in Memphis?

by Carson
(Armstrong )

I was driving the other night on US 78 coming out of TN into MS and as I approached a light with a traffic camera it turned yellow.

I was MT and was cruising along at the speed limit. So, I was faced with a decision. Try to make the light or get on the binders rather abruptly and risk throwing my co-driver into the floor who was sleeping.

Might I add that she's my fiancée. It was 3am. Needless to say I chose wrong, tried to beat it and got caught.

So, I am wondering if these type if tickets are enforced on that stretch of road. I know a lot if places throw out the cases with 18 wheelers because the cameras are set up for cars. Has anyone ever gotten busted there before.

I am not wanting a lecture in how stupid I am for getting myself into a position to get one of these tickets. I know I screwed up. Any input is welcome.


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May 06, 2014
most times they don't issue a ticket NEW
by: Anonymous

If a ticket is issued it goes to the company as they don't know who you are as the driver. The company takes it from you check no points are involved with these tickets. But more than likely you want get a ticket. They would rather you go through a yellow than stop in the middle of a intersection. Keep in mind they have to have a clear picture of you and the license on your truck. They need both not just one o or the other.if not the judge will throw it out of court. Be safe.

May 06, 2014
remember NEW
by: Anonymous

Tired green lights mean slow down

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