Have noticed a weird "call sign" on the side of the road with Hubcaps

by Greg G
(Southern California)

On my regular route, I've noticed on the offramp a grouping of hubcaps. Now, we all know that losing a hubcap can happen, but this is different.

Not only are the hubcaps only in this one exact spot on the off ramp; I've stopped and collected the caps, and I kid you not, within a couple of weeks there's another group of hubcaps in the exact same spot.

I've stopped four times now, and collected a total of 12 hubcaps.... And another group of them ends up in the same spot...
Am I missing out on something? Is this some sort of call-sign?

Wish I knew what I was missing out on..
Any help would be great.

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Jul 04, 2016
meaning NEW
by: Anonymous

It is code within the underground drug ring. The direction it points to, the angle it's at, etc. all mean something to do with a message. The same is said with flowers on the side of the road where by-passers think someone died. The height of the flowers, the colours within the flowers, the type of flowers, the direction of the flowers, how many flowers, etc mean something. Dead flowers mean abort mission. There may even be a message such as date, name, etc to coded to whom to contact.

Aug 18, 2012
hahahahahahahahahahhahaha NEW
by: Anonymous

so funny lol..................

Aug 17, 2012
Have noticed a weird "call sign" on the side of the road with Hubcaps NEW
by: Anonymous

so you are the ONE that keeps taking my freinds hub caps away from the side of the road !!!!!! please bring them ALL BACK...

Aug 15, 2012
Maybe someone is placing them there for recycle NEW
by: NO ONE

Maybe a homeless person picks them up for recycle purposes, maybe an artist needs them for a project, maybe some one is building some type of structure to live in, maybe someone is cleaning out some junk yard.

But, I think maybe you could leave them alone for awhile in the case that one of these maybe true and you might be taking away from someone who may really need them. Ask yourself, do you really need these yourself??

Leave them there for awhile a month or so and find out if someone else may have a pick up for them.

Unless of course this weird thing intrigues you to the point you must know what the heck is really going on? Then hang out long enough to find out. lol

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