Having to trust my trucker husband again.

by Theresa
(Clover, SC)

I have been a truckers wife for 20 years. I have two children, one has finish high school with honors and going to college. The other is still at home.

I have put up with a lot of things in 20 years. The biggest is women that he has met on the road and with the cell phone and messaging it has it good and bad.

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Aug 18, 2015
My husband has several machines NEW
by: Anie

My husband has several machines, respectively, and truck drivers too, with whom he is sometimes on trips. People are different, the characters are different and accordingly family men, too, are different! Mainly operating voltage, long and not very clean. If such a driver in the family comfort, order, understanding wife, this family will be strong. My sons use to buy essays online and my husband approves their decisions.

Oct 13, 2009
Did you catch him cheating? A trucker meets different people all of the time.
by: Anonymous

Just because he calls or text messages other women don't mean he's cheating on you it make the ride a lot easier to chat with someone different, driving truck is part of meeting different people.. You didn't say he was cheating on you well is he, I don't call talking to someone on the phone or text message cheating unless you read something or caught him cheating..

Oct 08, 2009
what about her truck driving Hubby, is he cheating?
by: Jimmy

If he has a wandering eye, it don't matter where he works. Jimmy

Oct 08, 2009
An unfaithful trucker does not make the best spouse and perpetuates the negative image of truckers
by: Jennifer S


I am sorry for all you have put up with. This is one of those stories that unfortunately add's to the stereotypes of the "truck driver". Not all are like this, unfortunately there are some that are!

Your commitment to staying with the marriage is commendable, and my hat is off to you. I cannot say though, that I would advocate remaining in a marriage in which the spouse was NOT faithful.

Wishing you the best,

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