He calls all week to give chores not to talk

by Angel

So my husband came home for four days I asked him to take at least one day to spend time with the baby and me and he told me he would Sunday.

So that morning he wakes up grips me out and starts a fight for no reason its like he tried to fight so he didn't have to stay home and spend time with us.

Then how he wants to make love is by telling me to take my clothes off, I mean really. Then because I wouldn't he gets mad and goes to bed and has to leave at 730 am.

So without saying good night he tells me to set my alarm and goes to bed. Since he's been a jerk for months now I won't even sleep in the bed with him. I'm so tired and worn out always me trying to fix our marriage and do errands while he's gone

He calls me all week just to give me chores to do, never to talk. I'm fed up. I get told how to live my life every single day

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Sep 10, 2014
truckers wife NEW
by: angel

I was telling the hawk I was married I don't see it right to message another man while being married in my book that's cheating

Sep 04, 2014
?? NEW
by: Anonymous

What makes you think we weren't married?? We were all married too! I need to know what that has got to do with your personal happiness? There is nothing written anywhere that women are suppose to take any type of abuse from men just to remain loyal to yourself?? That makes no sense at all. Matter of fact that sounds down right weird. No where is it written relationships are suppose to be 80/20?? If you are in this state of mind I really feel sorry for you. Take some classes on self esteem because truthfully you are low on that. Marriage isn't about punishment. Its about intimacy if the clue you have in your mind is to be dutiful and the other partner is not, then apparently some one didn't school you correctly. GOOD LUCK! You will need it!

Sep 04, 2014
truckers wife NEW
by: angel

Sorry I am married and even though he is a jerk and I've thought about divorcing him a thousand times I am faithful and would never hurt him like I have been hurt I'm not saying he's ever cheated even though I've thought he has lots of times but I'm just not that type of woman but its very sweet of you thank you

Sep 04, 2014
run NEW
by: Anonymous

put on your shoes and run as fast as you can...i raised 2 children on my own with no child support, and during a recession ...my mom raised 4 of us on her own with no child support, and during a recession...her mother raised 9 children on her own with no child support,and during the depression! you can too...all the women in our family live to be in our hundreds, because we are healthy and strong mind, body, and soul. you can too.

Sep 04, 2014
that was a lame thing to say NEW
by: Anonymous

hawk....u wear the name well....just waiting around for your prey!! sooo typical!

Sep 03, 2014
hi NEW
by: Anonymous

you know if I was your husband I would spend every day with you and our baby and I wouldn't have you clean the house I would do that myself. I wish I had
a wonderful woman like your self my e mail blue7hawk@yahoo.com please e mail me and if you want to call or text 520-678-4967

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