He does it for his family!

by Evie
(Lancaster, Pa)

My husband just started driving otr hazmat tankers about two months ago, and my life has totally changed.

I have taken on both being a long distance wife as well as an almost single mom. The days he's home are the best days of the month. No matter what we are doing I dress as nice as possible.

I freeze home cooked meals for days before he gets home so he has good food on the road.

We talk on the phone every day, at least twice a day. It hurts not having him here but I know he does it so our daughter can be raised by me not some daycare. She is the greatest gift he could ever give me. And for that there is nothing I wouldn't do for him.

Every meal is made with love, every little thing is done to try to make it easier on him while he's away.

And every day I tell our daughter just how very much her daddy loves us.

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Jun 28, 2012
Mine Too!! NEW
by: Rose

Mine works hard too so I don't have to. We have 2 toddler daughters & I raise them not a babysitter or child care facilities. I dress pretty when comes home, nice hair, make-up done...all that jazz....dress the kids in their cutest attire, pretty flowers in their hair & his favorite meals ready to be prepared. I cook his meals for the week the day before he leaves, making sure he has his favorites there too, but healthy foods as well. I do all his laundry & clean the inside of his truck & before he leaves, & our 4yr old daughter does his pre-trip with him making sure she gets to check the oil & the tires. She says "Daddy, I'm going to be truck driver when I get big. Just like you!" She has 5 big rig truck toys (even remote control ones...she picked them all out). Our youngest daughter is 1yr old, she keeps her favorite Barney movie & a stuffed froggy in his truck so she can lay down & watch her toons while Mommy & Sissy help Daddy. Life as a truckers wife truly is what you make of it. For our family we make it work. We all love each other & couldn't live with out one another. I have a good man & he knows he has a good wife :) . I'm so proud of him for everything he does & so grateful to him. Because of him I got to go back to school so I could finish my college education (still a work in progress, but almost there!). Amazing man I got here that's for sure.

Jun 06, 2012
To all you wives an moms that under stand NEW
by: ye ole tree climer

Langcaster, Scranten an Phily to, I honestly know how you feel I do! My children are grone and my wife has past. So me and my 61 emryville set at last.
We set out back an share memeries with ease. As I some times look through the trees as I cry, Just to be near my best friend in the sky.

To all you wives an moms: that understand, how hard its for even a man. To be away from his family he realy loves,Just doing what he does.

He drives for miles each day,just to make his familys pay. He knows your a good mother, with his children you stay,taking great care of them each and every day.

When the kids are sick and up all nigh, by their bed side you do stick.The children are snugled all in for the night, never letting them out of your site.

The week is comiing to an end and hubby should be around the next bend, looking to be with his only best friend once again.

To all of you wives an moms: that hold the fort down with all your bliss, just hug him an give him a kiss,as he enters the door.

To all you understaning wives an moms: he'll love you even more,as he gets ready for the next trip he heads for the kids room to see them once more then heads for the door.

With all do respect: To all you wives an Moms,

A message from ye ole tree climer an family to, just an ole retired trucker,stuck at home now with no where to rome.

God Bless all you wives an moms:

No mater how cloes or even so being so fare.Just love you best friend right from the start and you'll never be apart.

Jun 06, 2012
So glad to hear someone positive here!! NEW
by: Helonwheels

Keep on doing what your doing! So happy for you!!
So good to hear some great things happening in the lives of trucker wives!! Stay positive!! :) Beautiful baby you have!!

Helonwheels :)

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