He feels lonely and overwhelmed. How can I address this?


My husband has been an over the road truck driver for about 2 months now and is having a really hard time being away from me and our 8 month old daughter.

Hes gone for about 3 to a month at a time. the only reason why we considered this career is because it was our best option- he was having a really hard time finding jobs, and we lost our house and all of our stuff due to Bed bugs..

Anyway, while being on the road now he feels so lonely, he's so sad and overwhelmed and i cant help but to blame myself because he has to do this- for us! for our family.

He feels like hes neglecting our daughter because he only gets to be with her a week out of the month and his missing all her milestones. :/ ..


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Jul 06, 2014
husband home sick NEW
by: Anonymous

Get him a lap top ,you will need one aswell and skype he will be be able to see you and the child every day and you can talk and see each other

Jun 28, 2014
helping him stay positive NEW
by: Hervy

Yeila, I think the best thing you can do is to be a constant reminder to him of these things.

1. In 1 year's time or less, he will be able to find a trucking job that is even more suitable to his liking. More hometime or money. Dedicated route etc. Possibly even local.

2. In the future with planning, he can transition out of trucking it need be. (Over the road at least) This would mean that both of you or either of you are working on ways to create revenue or produce income and build that up to replace the over the road income.

3. Take pleasure in knowing he has already been successful in starting trucking in a great way. Many Dads/Husbands, don't make it home for over a month at a time and only spends a day or two at home. If he is getting a week out of a month, that is awesome. It should be typical for OTR drivers if desired but it IS NOT typical of new OTR drivers. For this he and you can be thankful and grateful about what you DO have going on and NOT what you don't have.

4. DO indeed think about what you DESIRE for the future situation. Not in a stressful, wanting way but in a goal oriented milestone way. In other words, visualize the goals you have for the future whether it is 5 years from now or 10.

Summary. The current situation is the comeback part of your journey. It is not your destination. Plan on what you destination looks like. Be consoled knowing that you have a goal that you are working toward and that you are making progress toward that goal.

That goal can be those goals. Money, state of the relationship, where you live, savings, health, income production, personal development etc.

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