He yells the kids when he comes home

by Kelly

Hi there, my husband is a truck driver and is away 5 to 6 days a week. We have 3 children and I also work as well as being a mum to them.

When my husband comes home for his day/days off he is understandably tired and I never expect him to do any chores on his time off so he can relax but most of the time he is yelling at the children for small things like noise or mess.

When he is away during the week I run a pretty tight ship and we have fabulous kids with impeccable manners. But lately they have been dreading him coming home.

I know he is On his own all week and is not used to company and I have tried asking him to calm down but he doesn't get it. Is this normal for him to be like this? And do you suggest anything we can do to help this situation ? Thanks

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Nov 11, 2015
Poor Behavior in Spouses
by: Hervy

Kelly, What I would do is set up a video camera and record him. Then when things are normal and you talk to him about it again, and he denies it. You can show him. (Assuming you have already brung this to his attention)

It is very possible he is not aware of his behavior. Many of us lack self awareness of our mannerism, flaws, poor tastes, etc. Even when it is not normal for us.

If you can help him see it, maybe he will be more mindful of it and work at changing it.

Just as important though might be what is behind it. Ask him about his job. How are things going? What does he like, dislike, etc. If you haven't been showing interest then depending on the type of person he is that might help.

We do like our significant other to be interested in what we are doing and make appreciation for it obvious enough to almost touch it, lol. I am just throwing things out there to look at. Obviously, I don't know many details about the situation or either of your personalities, so if it applies use it if it doesn't discard.

If that is not how he normally acts, it is likely there is something going on which that is a symptom of. See if you can delicately find out what it is going on with his world. First by asking directly and when he asks why it opens the door for you to explain.

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