Healthy options

by R.Hill
(Victoria, BC)

I was just on a long road trip with my family and I was thinking about what healthy choices truck drivers have. I know all too well what it is like to pack my own food, being a former flight attendant and how the healthy options are not always accessible and if they are it's always more expensive.

I have been taking Isagenix for over a year and it has made such a huge difference in my life. I've lost weight, have more energy and feel really healthy. It is the perfect food to travel with and I was thinking about you and how I could share what I know with you.

Here's a link to some more information

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Aug 28, 2012
Does not exist NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry, I tried the link and it does not exist? But the isanex one does.

When I think of a cleansing products I think of extra time in the is already hard enough fighting traffic, making pick-up times, and drop off deliveries, then to pull over for 9 or 30 days straight to run to the bathroom I don't think this product is time effective if you know what I mean! lol

Most cleansing products do just that clean out the body, detox it and this has to go out somewhere....

Some detox systems can get people real sick as well and being on the road while trying out a new product is really not a safe place to do it most truckers are on the road 2,3,6, weeks at a time, even months before they get home.

Before anyone tries any product they should talk with their Doctor first!!

It was a very nice suggestion and you are a kind person for caring!! :)

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