Hearts Don't Break Even

by Brandee
(Lafayette, Indiana)

Does the loneliness ever go away? Jason's been OTR for about a year and a half (I realize that this is NOTHING to some of you).

Most of the time, I cope fairly well. But when he has to stay out longer than usual, it's like a physical PAIN in my chest, I miss him so much.

And when he first went OTR, it was a decision that we made together. We both said that if it got to be too much of a strain on our relationship, we'd consider other employment options; that our relationship was too amazing to risk damaging it.

But now that he's out there, it's like I don't have a say in it. He and his partner are talking about starting their own company, and hiring other drivers, so that they can come off the road "eventually".

But I don't know if that's ever really going to happen, or if it's just a pipe dream.

I waited 35 years to find my soul mate, and then he went OTR. What do I do?

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May 15, 2012
helping him live his/your dreams! NEW
by: Helonwheels

I am not sure if you have a full time job or not, but there are some things you can do do help him live his dream of becoming owner/operator of his own business with multiple trucks.

This does not have to be a pipe dream, this can be reality. Owner operator businesses has it's advantages and disadvantages. But isn't that what happens in life overall?

You both are still young enough to live long term goals. The same way you both sat down and made a decision for him to drive can be used to discuss his will to have more in life and the key is to make sure you include yourself to help make it happen.

It will then become "both of you owning" a business!

Good Luck! :)

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