Hello my name is Sue.. and my Hubby calls me Chu

by Sue
(Ontario Canada)

I have been married to a long haul trucker since 2005..We have been together since 2002. He has being a long haul truckers for over 30 years. I have known him since child hood.

We live in Canada and we travel back and forth between borders every week...I have been with him on road trips and traveled to almost every state and province. I seen a lot of beautiful scenery and some not so beautiful. Spoke to amazing people and some not.

During my travels I had a lot of mixed emotions. When in the truck I worried about the family back home, and when I was a home I worried about my Hubby if he was going to make it back home. I am presently staying home right now, because I have to get some personnel stuff dealt with.

I found your web site and thought wow, what a great idea..I would love to chat and make new friends, that have the same life style as me...:)

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Jul 20, 2012
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