Help for a convicted felony

by Todd Johnson
(Hickory,North Carolina,USA)

I saw the video about calling the companies asking about felonies especially drugs. It helped me alittle' but it didn't help with me finding a job as a trucker. But if someone can help me, because I need to eat and so do my children, thank you,again

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Sep 09, 2009
Help for a convicted felon finding a trucking job
by: Hervy

Hello Tod,

I know what you mean man, needing to eat and feed the family.

The idea on the video and the message on the page mainly is the fact that your position makes it more challenging.

Since this is the case man it means you will really have to think outside of the box and work extra hard get that break and find that job.

You have to do it, the job is not going to find you.
Check with non profits in the area and call them to see if they work with convicted felons.

Also man see (if you have free time) if you could even volunteer for a hour a week or something with maybe someone like hud or other volunteer groups. YOu never know who you will meet at such places. IF you are sincere about employment and work and your attitude is good people see this and want to help if they can.

Same thing when your are out in your community interact with people you encounter, ask what do they do and tell them how you have changed and looking for work to make a new start. People love being a part of something they know is positive in someone's life if they can. You just need to meet the right person.

You have to make yourself be outgoing enough to meet the right person. Just like your reaching out on the net do it when your out too. Stay positive and keep trying.

I know a guy out that way too that does landscaping I will try to contact him and see if he can use help if your willing to do that type of work. His main problem was undependable people last I spoke to him.

Talk you ya later,

Sep 03, 2009
Needin' a trucking job.
by: Jimmy

Carolina Cargo use to just about be all ex-felons. I heard they went out of business, but not sure. They're in The Carolinas, can't remember what city.

Also Midwest Continental out of Sioux City, Ia. use to hire felons. They are still in business.

C.R. England hired a guy with 2 murder convictions and then he ran over a little old lady.


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