by Kathy Larsen
(Black Canyon City, AZ.)

I wanted to try getting into driving a truck, but I made a mistake in my life hanging with the wrong people and ending up with a felony.

As of 2011 it will be 9 years old, but some trucking schools and company's want 10 years old on a felony. I'm a 52 yr old woman and have been laid off from a waitress job of 6 years at the same place. I've been out of work for 1 year.

I was not able to get unemployment from the place I worked at for 6 years because I was paid under the table.I am so thankful my daughter and my first grand child and son in law took me in. Please can some one help me make my dream come true, working at a job

I know I would love and making more money than 200.00 every two weeks. I'm a hard worker reliable and dependable, also my driving record is very clean. I went to try and get a job with a cab company and he said my driving record was boring and I asked him if that was good and he said" well yea" I had that job but my felony was close to 9 yrs old and they needed 10 yrs.

Please could some one help me. I went to a trucking job fair at AIT Trucking School in Phx. AZ. and got to drive a truck around the yard and right then I knew I WANTED IT, but the school said I needed 10 yrs or for a trucking company to hire me and then they would train me.

Its a Dream I want so bad. PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME. My e-mail is


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Nov 21, 2010
truck jobs
by: american trucker

Hey Marten.where i'm from is looking for help in terminal brand new building for us.
I cant wait 2 transfer back to there.I miss living in az.Ride my horses again ...

Nov 19, 2010
Trucking Driving Dreams
by: Hervy

Kathy keep your head up that year will rush by. May you can get a driver helper job which will help you get your foot in the door and looking good by the time that year is up.

Also, there is a dispatcher, position in Chandler. That job may help you down the road after you become a driver should you want to become an owner operator.

trucking jobs Phoenix

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