help! New the the trucking lifestyle as the girlfriend of a driver

by jenn

I am so mad it took me this long to find a site like this. I am a trucker girlfriend and its so hard.

How do I become involved with this site? My boyfriend is gone 4-5 days a week and with winter approaching my anxiety is climbing.

I have nightmares of him wrecking! Help!
-jenn. (a nurse who knows next to nothing about trucking)

Comments for help! New the the trucking lifestyle as the girlfriend of a driver

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Nov 06, 2013
Trucking lifestyle NEW
by: Anonymous

Trust in his ability as a driver. Be sure he has a cell phone service with good coverage. NEVER let him drive out of town when you have quarreled without at least letting each other know that despite your disagreement, you sincerely love each other. At least he's not gone for weeks at a time and you can always revisit an issue next weekend. The good news is, it will also give you time to think about things and approach the subject from a different angle with, hopefully, an open mind.

Try to do constructive problem solving. Don't become too dependent upon him to do the manly jobs, like taking out the garbage and mowing the lawn. Learn to think for yourself and make decisions on your own, in the event he's not there to help you.

If you still feel anxious about the possible danger, see your doctor about getting help with that. Being a nurse, you are probably aware that anxiety sometimes happens because of a hormonal imbalance.

Oct 30, 2013
New lifestyle NEW
by: Anonymous

You are lucky that your boyfriend is only gone for 4-5 days a week. He must be local. Try being a wife of an OTR (over the road) trucker who goes coast to coast & is gone for weeks at a time! Good luck adjusting!

Oct 30, 2013
well NEW
by: Anonymous

Think how he might be feeling about being away from you. While you are having nightmares about him crashing, think about what he might be worried about something going wrong in your field. Both jobs are considered high stress jobs.

Try and spend time thinking about what you and he can do for relaxation when he returns, and spend less time fixating on the negative. We have no control over some things in life spend time figuring out what it is you do have control of and how to make things better vs. worring about the unknown, precious energy is being wasted. Energy can be sucked right out of us if we live in the negative, and then there will be less energy to have fun. Therefore, leaving us depressed.

Oct 30, 2013
starstarstarstarstar NEW
by: Anonymous

This website is wonderful and has its purpose! But for dealing with the day to day life of a truckers SO please try wives of truckers! This website is a godsend!

Oct 30, 2013
Scared NEW
by: Anonymous

How long has he been a driver I understand your fears. But pray and leave it in gods hands. I'm sure he is a good driver and do well.

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