Helping the kids when dads not home.

by Roxie

My husband and I have been married almost 19 years and I still struggle with him being away. He's done this off and on for 17 years. We have 4 kids 13,8,7,and 6.

Our oldest feels like she's gonna go to college one day and never get to spend any real time with her dad. The two younger girls miss him but they are tougher than the rest of us.

Our son is 6 and he misses daddy to the point he demands he be home right now and that makes it harder on me. Is there anyone out there that can relate to this?

My husband had a five year plan but it keeps getting pushed up. We need a house and he wanted this in five years so he could get a local gig because nothing pays hear.

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Nov 03, 2018
Honetime in Ohio
by: Anonymous

One driver in Ohio with only 2 years experience just landed a job making $114,000 a year with lots of good home time. Those jobs are there if he has all the endorsements. Plenty of good jobs in Ohio where he can afford a house quickly. Tell him to change jobs.

The job I mentioned is with Trimac Transportation.
Some more high paying jobs in Ohio are with:
A&R Logistics - home most weekends and make $65K - $72K.

Bulkmatic - home several times during the week and make about $65K.

W.W. Transport - drivers can make $1500.00 average weekly hauling flour in a dry bulk tanker.
Also look at to buy a home faster.

Nov 02, 2018
What Happened to the 5 Year Plan
by: Hervy

You didn't say why the 5 year plan didn't work. Is there a budget?

That's one issue to address, what is blowing up the plan and how to address that.

As far as the kids though, make sure he knows how they feel. He needs to make sure to be mindful of how they are affected and the regret he will feel 10 years from now when he can't get this stage of their life back.

He won't be able to go back and change the nature of the relationship. Don't try to make him feel guilty about not spending time, but DO make sure he considers the impact today and in the future.

Other than that, like I said, revisit the plan and figure out how it can be improved so that it actually comes true.

If he has been driving that long, he should be able to make a plan work out.

Make sure he is actually checking for other trucking jobs. Lots of trucking companies in Ohio.

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