Hervy.... Love your trucking DVD

by Don Navajo Freight
(Oneonta NY)

We watched it again today.. My wife says you speak wisdom beyond your years...My favorite section on the DVD is "Dare to Ride"..... I love the dramatic music background, love your your advice during the Ride ..and love the action video photography, as though I was riding along.. Awesome..

For my money, you could make more of these action Ride With Me videos, but make the ride longer please, say an hour,, instead of the current 5 minutes or less, and slow the record speed down to normal.

The action is a bit too fast for my slower paced brain to take in, if you please, sir.. The other sections are excellent too, but since I am too old and my health is too questionable, to ever be a trucker, the Ride With Me section gives me the opportunity to ride in a big rig which I could never do otherwise...

Once my health improves I "may", however, put another idea on your table...
Schneider Transportation (The Pumpkin Drivers) used to offer something like a "mini-vacation" ride with a trucker whereby fans of big rigs could actually ride shotgun for a price on a particular run, say NY to Florida.. the rider agrees not to interfere with the driver and just goes along for the ride, just for the experience of going OTR.

Schneider's price was way too unaffordable
but the idea was excellent...It was something like the vacation where you pay to be a cowboy for a week and go on a cattle drive out west....The trucker vacation rider brings along a sleeping bag and sleeps in the reclined passenger seat.

The OTR experience becomes their dream come true at an agreed upon price with any driver in the organization willing to go along with the idea... Anyway...maybe a possible brainstorming idea or maybe not...

There's a lot of questions still to be asked about such a venture...
But the minute you produce a " full length" RIDE WITH ME video, please count me in and let me know so I can snap it up.


Don Navajo Freight

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Mar 16, 2010
Upcoming class and future Big Rig Riders
by: Don Navajo Freight

Hey Hervy.... You bet.. I will be very interested when you get the other video footage ready, about being on the road in a big rig....Just let me know the cost when its ready to be released.....
We were hoping to tie in a visit to Mom in New Bern NC with your class in April if the timing, etc., all work out ok...so it would not be a trip exclusively from upstate NY to Greensboro just for your class, although I'm sure your class would be very interesting ....
and I would also be interested in the possibility of riding in a big rig in the future... a kind of real virtual reality for a Trucker Fan... let me know when you get all that worked out too... of course the driver will be compensated on an agreed upon price, and certainly the driver is not to be distracted in the performance of their safety duties.

I will tell my wife of your kind words...
I don't know if Schneider is still offering that "Ride along with a Driver" program, but they were when my wife prompted me, about a year ago, to look into riding in a big rig, as a kind of lifetime experience, like going on a cattle drive out West.
Take Care

Mar 15, 2010
trucking dvd feedback
by: Hey

Thanks Don,

I actually forgot that other footage was on there. LOL. Glad you liked it. Tell you wife i said thanks too. I guess I learned a little extra from making a whole LOT of mistakes and dumb decisions earlier in life! :-)

I have some more footage like that I will send to you as soon as I have time to get it together. I will let you know about when I get a class scheduled but I can't imagine yous guys coming all the way down for that.

One of my ideas for the future was to maybe coordinate rides with drivers and people who wanted to ride in the future, didn't even realize there was a company doing it. I figure it would even be cool as a contest reward one day.

Well, hate rush, got to shut it down for an early rise.

Glad you like the dvd and thanks for giving your feedback.


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