Hes spending alot of money

by Stacy

My husband is spending about 1000 dollars a month on the road and has nothing to show for it. Gets defensive when i ask should i just keep my mouth shut. Also he is 15 miles from home on a ten hour break and sleeps in his truck. He don't text me or call says he waits for me. But on his phone bill he calls cousins and other truckers.

I'm lonely and hurt and don't feel loved when hes home he does nothing for me or with me and sometimes we dont even make love what do i do.

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Sep 21, 2016
Spending a lot of money
by: Ice_Mystic

Hi, how long have you been together? Are you married? Any kids? Do you live together?

If he is staying in the truck when he's so close to home. I would seriously question the relationship. Is there a reason he doesn't want to come home? If he won't come to you, and you know where he's bunked down, go to where he is and have a serious talk with him about what's going on with your relationship.

I would imagine when you find out that, you'll find out why he's spending so much money. Is he a company driver or O/O?

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