Hey driver, If you were to do it again, would you attend a stand alone school or would you go through a carrier training?

by Dennis
(Durham, NC)

Hello, I have a class B and I would like to be an OTR driver, do I go to a stand alone school or do I go through a carrier? What would you do?

I am in Durham NC, any suggestions on companies or schools?

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Jan 13, 2010
Becoming a Trucker DVD
by: Hervy

Hey Denny,
I just left Durham. Left you a DVD at the store at the corner of Geer St and Roxboro Rd man.

Let me know what you think.


Jan 13, 2010
Thanks guyz
by: Dennis

Thanks for the input guyz. I called an independent school in Raleigh, NC (Carolina Trucking Academy)and their fee is $3800 and they have job placement. I think I will go with them, unless someone says otherwise.

I'm still taking in advise

Thanks former Duke Villain:)

I love this site

Jan 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

I went to a stand alone through my counties workforce investment program. There are no jobs except for over the road with out years of experience. I cannot stand "living in the truck" and the big companies treat drivers like crap.

Jan 13, 2010
Free CDL Training or Private CDL Training School
by: Hervy

Dennis I would go to a private school again like I did the first time. It really is up to the preference of the person but I like the extra freedom of choice after getting license.

If you are going to company sponsored free training of course it is not really free it's in exchange for your commitment to work for a specified amount of time and they might take payments out of your check until that time is up and then reimburse. Different companies handle their 'free' training with different rules.

If you end up hating the company, sometimes breaking the contract might come with extra penalties, so you want to ask questions in advance, you know, the what if's (I don't like it here and I want to leave what is the penalty, etc).

I went to Alliance down in Dunn, I think the school was fine but I heard that one was closed down, I don't really know.

Another option is community college training which is usually cheaper than private school and no commitment to a company.

I think Durham Technical has a training program. (I might be wrong)

look here for more information about CDL training and finding a school
look here for driver recommended trucking companies

P.S. I used to live up there in Duke Villa man.

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