Hi, I am curious on if any of you have any tips for me being a ride along with my friend?

by Rebecca

I will be on the road with him for 2 months. I have known him for 15 years. I just want to know some more info about riding along with him. Oh and we are sorta dating.

Comments for Hi, I am curious on if any of you have any tips for me being a ride along with my friend?

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Jun 10, 2010
by: Rebecca K

Thanks guys, I appreciate your input. I do enjoy road trips and I wouldn't rather take one with anyone besides my boyfriend. We laugh all the time at the most stupid things, I don't think we will have much to fight about. As for me maybe wanted to get a CDL, no way...I'm a nurse and I am way to afraid to drive a big rig. :) I will let everyone know how things go.

Jun 09, 2010
On the road again
by: NickV

Try and find any chance you get to laugh. Being out on the road can be very stressful at times and the way you deal with the stress is a very important factor. Like Jimmy says this will be the end all be all test of tests. If the two of you can get along in a truck that means alot about the strength of your relationship. I was told once by a husband/wife team over the cb that it is like being locked in a walk in closet with someone only to be let out to eat, shower, and use the restroom. I dont mean to make it sound like its prison or anything but there is a main objective while out on the road and that is to make as much money as absolutly possible and get back home to your family safe. There are alot of cool things to see out on the road and if your the type that likes road trips it will be alot of fun. Dont sweat the small stuff, dont fight unless there is a good reason and definitly, definitly communicate. If something bothers you, say it when it happens cause the last thing you want is a molitof cocktail of pent up anger going off inside a big truck. Its a recipe for destruction and like Jimmy said, theres no where to go. Thats another thing that is hard to get use to out on the road. This isnt gonna be like yall get in a fight and you can jump in your car and just go home. Most of the time you are hundreds if not thousands of miles away from home. Communicate, laugh, and enjoy your time together. Who knows after these two months you may want to get into a CDL program and yall can go truckin together til you cant no more. Theres always somethin to do and somewhere to go, hope you enjoy it and let us know how things work out. Good Luck

Jun 09, 2010
Too close for comfort?
by: Jimmy

It will be a good test to see if you are compatible, that's if you are planning to get married. Just remember, you have no place to retreat to in case of any disagreements. So you (or him) may be sulking for a while if you have a nice juicy arguement. But hopefully not. Try to travel light and roll with the flow. Jimmy

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