hi there are there any types of people that dont make a good trucker?

by jim

Are there any types of people that dont make a good trucker,now I dont mean like a family man or a guy that just got married.

I mean like a guy that has never drove anything as big as a semi...or a guy that is bad with directions? this is my 3rd question and I never said thanks ...yet for the great web site and all of the help you guys are giving to all of us new guys...keep up the great work and stay safe!

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Feb 09, 2011
Funny you should ask
by: F.H.Wilson

Well Jimmy hit it the head. Yes there are out there that just should not ever get in a truck (or a car for that matter). I have knowen guys that were trying to make a go of it and nomatter how hard they tryed it just wasn't working, one guy seemed to get lost all of the time, why you ask? He could not read a map or much else. Another just wanted the TV trucker life, you know the show "MOVING ON" you drive from truck stop to truck stop spend a week at each helping the damsel in distress' get in a fight or two and then MOVE ON to the next truck stop. Well in my 30+ years of driving both for companys and as an O/O I never figured out to do that and make a living. If you want money in your pocket you to work for it work really hard at it, and one day you look back and say wow that was alot of work but I wouldn't change a thing about it!!!

Jun 21, 2010
Is trucking for everyone?
by: Jimmy

Funny you should mention that. So many people ask questions, but never respond back. Pardner, some people just aren't cut out for this biz. I honestly think it's because they have a mental block. I myself, didn't get into big trucks until age 30, because I just didn't think I could do it. Then one day I decided I wasn't going to drive a 1 ton tow truck for the rest of my life either.

I've seen some students than amazed me with their skills on day one. I remember a little gal some years back testing with a company I was testing with. I thought to myself, Ha Ha, she couldn't even begin to handle an 18 wheeler. Well, while sitting behind her while she drove, she handled that truck so good and with amazing confidence, I was floored. I always like to test my students on their handeling of pressure, such as heavy traffic, obsticles, hard manuevers etc. Because, keeping cool and calm at all times is necessary in this biz. And, some guys cannot read maps. Jimmy

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