Hi to All.... Question About CRST

by Willie
(Queens-New York)

Can somebody tell me if CRST is the best Company to work for when you dont have experience?????? the good news is that they will train you!!!!

i've been doing some searching and this Company has only for team driving over the road. Do you guys think that this is the best Company to start????

if someone can help me out there i will thank you Million Times.....

Thanks Again and be safe out there


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Jun 28, 2011
by: Jeff

If you have not all ready done so, go to Ripoff Report.com and search C.R.S.T.; this will give you a little more insight.

Jun 18, 2011
Finding the best company
by: Hervy


No one can tell you the best company man. The best that will happen is you will find what seems to be the best choice for you. There is a best choice for me and there is a best choice for each individual driver.

Best depends on what a drivers most important needs are.

One driver's needs might be great insurance. Another driver's needs might be home at least every other weekend.

Another driver's needs might be the highest possible paycheck.

Someone else might want to do a lot of driving west of the Mississippi River.

So depending on your needs, you can find a company that is better in that area than another one.

You did however specify that you were a new driver and you wanted the best for that reality. Obviously your choices will be limited.

CRST is as good as any company to start at man. I hear good and bad like any other company it's size.

Get up in there and make the best out of it. Try to stay there the term of the contract. If you don't like it after that, move on to a carrier that suits your needs better.

Good luck, let us know how it turned out man.


Jun 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for your comment. I went to school also, i have my CDL license with Hazmat and tanker endorsements so i guess im ok to go and i will give them a shot in August(got to safe some money first jejeje), hope to meet your husband in the near future, i know that my wife is going to be a little sad if i go, but thats life!!!! if you want to provide a better future for your family!!!! thanks again for your commets

God bless


Jun 16, 2011
Working for CRST

My husband just started working for CRST a few months ago but he had already been through trucking school so I can't tell you about that but the company it self seems too be good. If it work for you give them a shot.

Jul 22, 2011
Not the best
by: Anonymous

CRST was the 1st trucking company I worked for, back in 1992. I don't know how much has changed with them, but they took advantage of trainees back then. First off, I went to a private trucking school, but started with CRST because they were one of the only companies that would hire me because of previous speeding tickets. A large group of us went to Cedar Rapids for orientation. Some of us had gone through private schools but most had gone through CRST's schools. Almost ALL of the drivers from CRST's schools failed the road test and were sent home. A few walked across the street to try to hire on with West Side Transport. Once we finally hit the road, we got long runs, but if you went to LA you could plan on sitting in a truckstop for at least 2 days to get a reload. Back then, they only paid 8 1/2 cents a mile for every mile the truck moved (this was a team operation), so you had to run cross country to make $200. I would hope that has changed. They wouldn't even talk to you about coming home until you had been out 3 weeks, and it seemed like every time the agreed upon time to go home rolled around, there was 1 more 2000 mile run that HAD to go and there was never anyone else around to haul it. I worked there for ten months before I found a regional job that got me home every weekend, and in that 10 months I made a little over $10,000. Pathetic. I have been at the same regional company ever since then. The best thing I can say about CRST is they gave me experience and showed me how a trucking company SHOULDN'T be.

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