Home Alone....the grown up version
by Malia B.
(Easton, Pennsylvania)
Me and the hubby
HI everyone,
Hubby and I have been married for 6 years, together for 12. He recently (this week) went into trucking. He got his CDL a week ago and is now in the hire process/training with a truck company.
We are hoping after a year experience to find a local company or a local dedicated route.
He was formerly in the automotive industry. Got tired of taking the slack for other slackers and people wanting automotive repairs for practically nothing.
Initially, I thought this would be half sad and half excited. I was excited at the thought of having the house to myself. Eating what i want, when i want. Having control over the remote control and the radio volume.
HOwever this is day 2 and all i can do is cry every time i enter an empty room.
Growing up, I never wanted to be dependent on someone else. This new transition has made me realize how much i depend on my hubby and well now that compounds my sadness and mixed emotions.
I know that my hubby is doing what needs to be done. I am proud of his willingness to provide and work hard.
Here I am...online...looking for others who understand. So i can provide the partner/wife/friend that he needs to do his job.