How a FRENCH MAID outfit saved our marriage!

by Cast Iron Rose

38 years ago I'd only been married 2 years to my OTR husband. We were growing more and more distant. His home time was spent doing laundry, sleeping, eating, complaining, and doing paperwork.

I mentioned to a friend that I felt like a maid instead of a wife. My naïve mind dreamed up jealous images of him with wild, fun, beautiful prostitutes. A friend suggested that I needed to spice things up at home. So, she took me to the 'adult' bookstore to buy a French Maid outfit. Stiletto heels, black fishnets with the back seam, black see thru apron and panties fringed with white lace, lace hairpiece and wristlets. Classic.

On the morning of the day he was to come home this friend did my hair up in a big bun and plastered my face with makeup. She left and I dressed in the outfit and waited and watched out the window for him..the whole time imagining how surprised and delighted he'd be to see his own personal prostitute. I imagined wild #ex and laughing and crazy love.

When his footsteps were on the stairs I positioned myself in the kitchen in what I thought was a great prostit#t# stance.

Well, he SURE WAS surprised!! But instead of happy, he was HORRIFIED. He thru his bags down and yelled "YOU LOOK HORRIBLE!". He was so ANGRY!! I mean, spittin' mad!

I ran to the bedroom, slammed the door, thru the stilettos at the door, tore off the outfit, washed the makeup off, put on my old ugly cotton pajamas, and thru myself on the bed for a good cry. Surely, I thought, the marriage was over, he hates me.

After a while I hear a little knock on the door. He comes in and sits on the bed. In the most tired, sad, weary voice he says: "Honey, I see the sluts at truck stops all the time and all I can think of is my little soft sweet Rosie at home in her old soft cotton pajamas, waiting for me. I love you."

So, I never again worried about other women. We learned a lot thru that and it opened up honest non-jealous talk about our fears and needs and what each others' daily lives were like apart. We've been married 40 years.

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Mar 10, 2019
Spicey NEW
by: Anonymous

But for what's it's worth there truly are not that many hoes running around truck stops anymore.

Besides no one wants there diseases.

Mar 09, 2019
Edited some words
by: Hervy

I edited some of the words because it will be picked up by search engines and cause th site to be judged related to those terms.

Just the way the internet works.

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