How can I be more supportive toward him and his job if all I do is miss him constantly?

by Moriah Perry

Our Babygirl <3

Our Babygirl <3

I love my husband more then life itself, we just recently in the past year had a baby girl he is an amazing father and husband.

On the other hand it breaks my heart every time he leaves and our baby girl is screaming da-da, crying and chasing him out the door. It brings tears to my eyes every time he leaves us, but I know he is doing it for us to support us so I have to be appreciative.

But its hard to be supportive to a job that takes the love of my life away from me, I've went on the road with him before and it helped so much but when I am with my husband all I think about is our daughter and when I am with my daughter all I think about is my husband I feel like I am doing my jobs halfway.

I need to learn how to miss my husband in a healthy way not a depressed way to where it effects my mood, life and attitude and im not sure how to do that?

Everything we do we do for our daughter she is our pride and joy and we want to make sure she always have parents who are in love and know how to cope with problems like these so maybe we can make it easier for her when her daddy leaves.

thank you so much :)

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Jul 09, 2011
Being supportive
by: Dale Burleson

You are being supportive just by caring for your daughter and the home front and to be loyal, loving and understanding.
The missing part, well some days are really bad, but that is when you put baby in stroller and walk, it is a great stress reliever and you can point out all the wonders of God's creation to your daughter.
Keeping a hobby makes a world of difference and when he is home stick with your normal routine as much as possible. It makes it harder to get back into the routine, when he leaves.
Learning to make a life for yourself and your daughter may sound harsh, but that is what you have to do, be tough--get tough--fake till you make it.
I miss my husband too and this last time he was out is the first time in the 7 yrs of marriage, that I had a hard time. I was not feeling well and I miss my children, who live 2000 miles away and this summer I knew I could not make the trip to see them, it was a combination of things. I made it through. He has been home for two weeks and leaves again on Mon. for 2-3 weeks.
What works for me is a to do list of things while he is gone, that I would not do while he is home. Paperwork, filing, sewing, painitng, and of course computer work.
What would you like to do as far as a hobby?
We trucker wives have to learn , if we don't already, to take care of ourselves, not only because our man is away, but just incase something terrible should happen that would make us the bread winner. I am a firm believer in education, no matter what your age.
I am 65 and my husband is 63, so we have no children at home or even in the state. My parents are gone and I lost my brother to cancer three years ago. I drive a school bus, so it keeps me busy for 4 hours a day. The summer I try to make a visit to see my children and my great granddaughter.
Yes , there are times when I feel so alone.
But I have learned to adjust to being alone. This is our life and I look forward to the day, when we can say we are retired and can afford to be together. We have a goaled to work to.
Trucking is as hard on the Trucker as the family who is at home. He misses his family and comfortable bed, well prepared meals and the company.
I tell myself when I am feeling down I am just bored with myself and that is usually the truth.
I personally do not nag him or make him feel guilty if he can not be home for a special event, or if he gets a load that means he will be gone longer. When those wheels stop rolling so does the income.
SO don't think for one minute you are not being supportative.
You have a beautiful daughter.
Hope some of this has helped.
One last thing, I don't know if you believe in God, but if you do, lean on him, pray for the strength to make it through this time.
Feel free to contact me.
God Bless

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