How can I get a job here in Texas driving

by Billy
(Houston,TX. USA)

I graduated from a trucking school about a month ago and can't get a job anywhere. So today I went and got my tanker endorsement to better my chances.

Can anyone give me some info that could help me land a job or will anyone give me a job?

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Oct 15, 2011
by: Hervy

Congratulations Billy!

Oct 15, 2011
good news
by: Billy

I got the job that I was searching for took me a while but I got it THANK YOU GOD, and the truckers who gave me advice.

Oct 08, 2011
there is hope
by: billyboy

Well got a interview today with a family friend who has a trucking company. Says he will give me a chance. That's a blessing! If I am hired today will let everyone know. Thanks!

Oct 05, 2011
Need experience
by: NickV

Hey billy, nick from San Antonio here. Your going to need at least 6 months otr experience to really land a job that will keep you mainly in Texas. I worked for a company called link America which actually has a "terminal" there in Houston.

They ask for 6 months experience which is pretty standard. You may be able to find a local job hauling aggregate but with no experience even those guys may say no. Otr companies are going to send you out with a trainer for a bit and give you the tools to do your own thing and a lot of companies want that training on your resume.

Find a otr company and stick with them for atleast 6 months but a year would be even better. JB Hunt will take you with 6 months also, dunno if you wanna go that route though. I tried and wasn't happy at all.

Anyway moral of the story is you need miles under your belt. Safe, no ticket, no accident miles. After a year your doors of opportunity really open up. Once you land that first job stick with it no matter what. All the otr companies are pretty much exactly the same so don't let anyone tell you how the grass is greener on the other side.

I wish you luck and drop back in and let us know how your doing and who you went with. Maybe even give insight to the company you joined. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

Talk with the school you went to, they should give you some options on places to go and if you have questions about which one, like I said...were here

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