How can i start hauling livestock

Pick up ready to haul cattle

Pick up ready to haul cattle

i wanna learn how to pull livestock have pulled everything that can be loaded on a flatbed i want a new challange in trucking

have 16 yrs experience, clean mvr. any advice on getting training on livestock just asking for a chance.

Does anybody know anyone around the south Alabama area that may be able to help me?

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Feb 04, 2023
Alabama Livestock Hauling Trucking Companies
by: The Crazy Trucker

Here is a list of trucking companies in Alabama that specialize in hauling livestock:

Cattle Haulers, Inc.
Billy Lavender Trucking
Evans Transportation
Thompson Livestock Transport

Lazy J Cattle Company is a wholesale meat company. You can google large farms near the location in Alabama you're interested in and ask them if they need truck drivers.

These are likely to be smaller operations that experienced truck drivers like us love to drive for because the company often view you as a person and not a number.

This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other companies that offer livestock transportation services in Alabama.

It is always recommended to do your own research and check the reputation of the company before applying for a job.

Hauling cattle

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