How can my hausband get fired? I drive car every day and i get ticket for speed and red light,but they r saying it's my husband fault?

by Samira Corbadzic
(Davenport IA Scott)

My husband got fire today all because I his wife got ticket for running a red light and 1 for speeding.But this car is on my husband name then i drive every day Not my husband. Because I have 4 boys i need car and i pay off ticket Not really true that he fire my husband because they find 2 ticket.

Not happy at all and that's shame of JB Hunt because people don't know how my husband is really hard worker.But that's ok i find out why they fire my husband.

If they r think my husband don't use really good English That's y he has his wife..Now he is in Chicago wait for bus to back home because i can't drive him i have baby really sick i can't leave my 3 boys with my baby,really nice of JB Hunt.

But i find out I'm gonna call my friend and go visit JB hunt ofice just to find out Y he got fire....

Comments for How can my hausband get fired? I drive car every day and i get ticket for speed and red light,but they r saying it's my husband fault?

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Feb 13, 2011
Somelse got blamed for a ticket you got.
by: Hervy

Hi Samira,

If you got the ticket from a photo then there should be procedures to contest it as far as it being blamed on your husband. Called and find out what those procedures are. It should be pretty easy to prove it wasn't him if he was away in another state, all you need is his logbook and a verification from J.B.

Wait a minute, if J.B. know the date of the ticket, they KNOW he wasn't the one who earned it.

He may need to go to court about the ticket to get the charge changed. I don't think a photo ticket even goes on your license for this reason of not being absolutely sure about who is actually driving the car.

I wouldn't just let it all go down without calling your DMV or court or whatever method it says on the back of the ticket or in the letter to appeal or contest it.

Good luck, let us know how it turns out.

and uhhhh you might want to obey traffic laws, this is going to cost you guys extra unnecessary expenses

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